Happy Trails

 May 1, 2022

MIlford, Ohio to Xenia, Ohio

55.3 miles

The tents are soaking wet from the rain last night, but the day promises to be sunny with possible tailwinds.  The ride is flat and the trail is paved and well maintained.  We just ride and ride and ride somemore past wildflowers and honeysuckle and lots of trees in bloom.  The river is ever present and we are passing by several trail towns. 

Loveland, Ohio celebrates their location along the Ohio to Erie Trail.  There is a nice park, a bike rental and a canoe rental and plenty of coffee shops, etc.  It is a good place for a quick rest.

Look at that cool mural on the canoe 

So far the Ohio to Erie trail is mostly tree tunnel or a trail along farm fields.  But, every now and then there is a point of interest.

The Peters Cartridge Company was located in Kings Mills, Ohio.  Founded in 1887 by Gershom Moore Peters, the company was an important ammunition and gunpowder supplier through both world wars.  At one time 3000 people were working in the plant.  Machinery could manufacture four-thousand cartridges per hour by 1889.  

Today the building has been renovated to apartments and a brewery.


Annie and Julia approaching the Peters Cartridge Company - or what's left of it.  

Spring is in the air.  The scent of the honeysuckle is overpowering as we ride along through some areas.  There are loads of wildflowers in the forest understory.  

trillium are blooming

We are camping at a Greene County camping spot along the trail.  Total cost for the campsite with tax = $6.11.   The amenities are  limited to a pavillion and a port-a-potty.  There is no potable water but a woman stops by to say hello and brings us a gallon of water from her home up the hill.  
Steve cooks a salmon/mushroom/rice dinner and even has dessert cookies.  The quantity is perfect and it tastes delicious.  



  1. The Cartridge Company is a great example of adaptive reuse. And the spring vegetation must smell great. Thanks for sharing!


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