Windy Ohio

Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Malabar Farm to Delaware, Ohio

We camped in this state park but didn't tour the farm.  We will come back by car someday.  It is beautiful!  This coming weekend is the 43rd annual heritage days festival.  According to the park it is one of Ohio's largest craft and history festivals.  We saw staff setting up teepees and big white canvas tents in preparation for the event.

Malabar Farm

The dry corn was rustling so loudly as we rode that at times we couldn't hear the cars approaching from behind us. 

golden soybeans

The wind blew and blew today.  Our route is heading southwest right into the wind.  At times we struggled to ride 5 mph.

Sparta, Ohio (Pop. 161)

Here we are looking less exhausted than we feel.  The town of Sparta is the highest elevation point on the entire trip. (1358')   I guess we will just be coasting from here to the Gulf of Mexico.  That is, if we make it to Delaware.  We plan to stay with a warm showers host tonight in the little city where Ohio Wesleyan College is located.

Even my bike needs a nap at lunch
