In the time of butterflies

Friday, September 27, 2019
London, Ohio to Xenia, Ohio

The coolest thing about today’s ride is that we were not alone on our route. We were accompanied by hundreds of migrants. There were monarchs flying along into the wind at about 10 mph for miles and miles and miles. They were very hard to photograph because they were fluttering along at between 10’ to 30’ in the air. They were flying directly along the bike trail because it is a hedgerow corridor between enormous plowed soybean fields in all directions. The space beside the trail is full of wildflowers and weeds and trees making up a narrow strip about 80’ wide. The monarch butterflies have made it their flyway.

If you squint you can see about eight butterflies flying above Tom.

These colorful guys are enjoying the milkweed pods which the monarchs no longer need.  They are called milkweed bugs.    read about them here

Xenia, center of the Ohio bike trail world.  

Today was super easy.  We just got on our bikes and rode approximately 30 miles along a scenic and flat rail trail to Xenia.  The windspeed was less and the butterfllies were inspiring.

Xenia, Ohio is a unique town not far from Dayton, Ohio. Five major bike trails come together like the spokes of a wheel in Xenia Center. It is a very bike friendly town.

Last night while lying awake in the tent listening to train whistles I booked two nights in the Ramada Inn in Xenia so we can get some needed rest. And, as a bonus I discovered that the local microbrewery is celebrating Oktoberfest this weekend so it should be a good place for a rest day!  We are trying to decide if it still counts as a rest day if we take a side trip to Yellow Springs, Ohio.  We hear it's a very cool town.


  1. Super cool. Also I didn't know there were many towns in Ohio that start with the letter X. Cool name. Have you been to Yellow Spring yet? I can a race there back when I was in Ohio and it was really cool!

    1. Yellow Springs was great. Of course we had to visit the library and also enjoyed just walking around town. & there are some delicious food options there!


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