Underground Railroad Route, Autumn, 2019

Evening ride to test out our loaded bikes

Sunday, September 22, 2019
The last day of summer

Tomorrow begins a new season. We are setting off on a ride to explore the path of the Underground Railroad and enjoy autumn as it enfolds the American south.  Our path will take us across Ohio to Cincinnati.  We cross the Ohio river at Ripley, Ohio where the town's motto is "Freedom's Landing - Where thousands found freedom on the Underground Railroad."  A number of prominent abolitionists made their homes here including John Rankin.  Rankin, a Presbyterian minister, and his family helped hundreds of escaping slaves.  
  Overall, we hope to travel about 1700 miles and get a feel for the culture of the area  (and eat lots of good food).  Here is an overview of our route:  

heading south, so it's all downhill
Keep following the blog, and we will take you on tour with us.  You won't even have to pedal.


  1. Hi Tom and Julia! This is Julie. How great you are going to trace the history of the struggle for liberation from slavery in this 400th anniversary of the first enslaved persons being brought to America. Many blessings on your journey!

    1. It is a blessing to be able to explore and travel together. We started our learning by visiting the Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati and then a trip to Oberlin. It is humbling to think of people traveling here on foot and relying only on the kindness of strangers


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