Familiar Faces in the City of 100 Steeples

Day 19
June 1, 2018 
St-Lazare to Montréal, Québec 

The lakeshore road into Montréal is a pleasant and scenic ride past parks and through leafy neighborhoods.  The road is dedicated to slower travel and has a number of cyclists using it even on a weekday.  There are actually signs reading, “In a hurry? Use the highway.”.

We navigate the construction areas and arrive at our Airbnb to meet Tom’s parents.  They have planned to join us for a weekend visit to celebrate Dorothy’s 82nd birthday and our 34th anniversary on June 2.

 The city of Montreal covers most of the island of Montreal where the Ottawa River and the Saint Lawrence River come together.  It has always been an important port and the old port area dates back to 1611 when French fur traders used it as a trading post.  Among the many, many churches reaching up into the skyline is the oldest in the city, Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel.  It may not be as huge as Notre Dame Basilica, but it is impressive.  We go to mass since its Saturday evening, and it is moving to receive communion in a place where so many others have done the same. I give thanks for our safe travel and for family and for 34 years of marriage.
The church is called the Sailors' Church 

In the 19th century, the chapel was favored by sailors who would come to make offerings to the Virgin after a safe sea voyage.

Notre-Dame Basilica where there is a wedding every hour on this sunny Saturday.
