Birds and Mammals seen or heard

We hope to see lots of wildlife along the trip and will do our best to keep track here:


  1. Robin
  2. Turkey Vulture
  3. Purple Martin
  4. Tree Swallow
  5. Yellow Throat Warbler (heard but not seen)
  6. Field Sparrow 9heard but not seen)
  7. Killdeer
  8. Wood Duck
  9. Wood Thrush
  10. Redwinged Blackbird
  11. Starling
  12. Cardinal
  13. Kingbird
  14. Gray Cat Bird
  15. Canada Goose
  16. Bluebird
  17. Mourning Dove
  18. White Breasted Nuthatch
  19. Eastern Towhee
  20. Tufted Titmouse
  21. Grackle
  22. American Redstart
  23. Indigo Bunting
  24. Baltimore Oriole
  25. Scarlet Tanager
  26. Wild Turkey
  27. Wren
  28. Redtailed Hawk
  29. Bald Eagle
  30. Herring Gull
  31. Bank Swallow
  32. Chipping Sparrow
  33. Common Tern
  34. Pectoral Sandpiper (I think)
  35. Cliff Swallow
  36. Barn Swallow
  37. Red Headed Woodpecker
  38. Flicker
  39. Brownheaded Cow Bird
  40. Egret
  41. Blue Heron
  42. Nighthawk
  43. Mute Swans
  44. Cormorant
  45. Osprey
  46. Pileated Woodpecker
  47. Red Bellied Woodpecker
  48. Yellow Warbler
  49. Loon
  50. Whipowill (heard but not seen)
  51. Evening Grosbeak
  52. White Throated Sparrow
  53. Black Capped Chickadee
  54. Flycatcher of some type...not sure
  55. Cedar Waxwing
  56. Merlin (this is the a new addition to our life lists)  see image below:
  57. Canada Warbler
  58. Warbling Vireo
  59. Snow Goose
  60. Eider Duck
  61. Common Murre
  62. Thick Billed Murre
  63. Magnolia Warbler
  64. Redeyed Verio
  65. Ruby Cowned Kinglet
  66. Grouse (not sure if it was a Ruffed Grouse or Spruce Grouse)
  67. Black Backed Gull
  68. Northern Gannett
  69. Razorbill
  70. Harlequin Duck
  71. Black Legged Kittiwake
  72. Humming Bird
  73. Song Sparrow
  74. Chipping Sparrow
  75. Piping Plover (new to the list)
  76. Pine Grosbeak (new to list)
  77. Rock Ptarmigan (new to list)

  1. Opposum
  2. Muskrat
  3. Beaver
  4. White Tailed Deer
  5. Chipmunks
  6. Gray Squirrel
  7. Black Squirrel
  8. Red Squirrel
  9. Fox squirrel (Quebec and PEI)
  10. Cotton Tailed Rabbit
  11. Coyote (heard but not seen)
  12. Groundhog
  13. Moose (three on Acadian Peninsula)
  14. Finned Whale
  15. Minke Whale
  16. Beluga Whale
  17. Harbor Seal
  18. Black Bear (Forillion Park and Cape Bretton)
  19. porcupine (riding out from Miramichi)
  20. Mink (PEI)
  21. Humpback Whale
