We hope to see lots of wildlife along the trip and will do our best to keep track here:
- Robin
- Turkey Vulture
- Purple Martin
- Tree Swallow
- Yellow Throat Warbler (heard but not seen)
- Field Sparrow 9heard but not seen)
- Killdeer
- Wood Duck
- Wood Thrush
- Redwinged Blackbird
- Starling
- Cardinal
- Kingbird
- Gray Cat Bird
- Canada Goose
- Bluebird
- Mourning Dove
- White Breasted Nuthatch
- Eastern Towhee
- Tufted Titmouse
- Grackle
- American Redstart
- Indigo Bunting
- Baltimore Oriole
- Scarlet Tanager
- Wild Turkey
- Wren
- Redtailed Hawk
- Bald Eagle
- Herring Gull
- Bank Swallow
- Chipping Sparrow
- Common Tern
- Pectoral Sandpiper (I think)
- Cliff Swallow
- Barn Swallow
- Red Headed Woodpecker
- Flicker
- Brownheaded Cow Bird
- Egret
- Blue Heron
- Nighthawk
- Mute Swans
- Cormorant
- Osprey
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Red Bellied Woodpecker
- Yellow Warbler
- Loon
- Whipowill (heard but not seen)
- Evening Grosbeak
- White Throated Sparrow
- Black Capped Chickadee
- Flycatcher of some type...not sure
- Cedar Waxwing
- Merlin (this is the a new addition to our life lists) see image below:
- Canada Warbler
- Warbling Vireo
- Snow Goose
- Eider Duck
- Common Murre
- Thick Billed Murre
- Magnolia Warbler
- Redeyed Verio
- Ruby Cowned Kinglet
- Grouse (not sure if it was a Ruffed Grouse or Spruce Grouse)
- Black Backed Gull
- Northern Gannett
- Razorbill
- Harlequin Duck
- Black Legged Kittiwake
- Humming Bird
- Song Sparrow
- Chipping Sparrow
- Piping Plover (new to the list)
- Pine Grosbeak (new to list)
- Rock Ptarmigan (new to list)
- Opposum
- Muskrat
- Beaver
- White Tailed Deer
- Chipmunks
- Gray Squirrel
- Black Squirrel
- Red Squirrel
- Fox squirrel (Quebec and PEI)
- Cotton Tailed Rabbit
- Coyote (heard but not seen)
- Groundhog
- Moose (three on Acadian Peninsula)
- Finned Whale
- Minke Whale
- Beluga Whale
- Harbor Seal
- Black Bear (Forillion Park and Cape Bretton)
- porcupine (riding out from Miramichi)
- Mink (PEI)
- Humpback Whale
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